RecoverychatsAn honest safe space where you can truly be yourself

Commands you can use with our ChatBot!

We take meetings and recovery seriously, but we know how to have fun too! Recovery is life. And life can be fun! It's a Promise in one program.

Our ChatBot can do all sorts of things for you!

Try typing weather yourcity to get your local weather.

Need a random answer? Just like the old magic 8 ball used to do, it has the answer if you type magicball

Don't know your Celsius from your Fahrenheit? Type the temperature followed by the word degrees

This works for miles and km too. Just type mile or km after your number.

Or sometimes you just needs a yes or no type of answer. Toss a virtual coin by typing cointoss

Is someone being particularly helpful or kind? Try typing compliment username

Typing meeting countdown will show you how long until the next ACA meeting.

Run out of things to say? Get things started by typing random topic please or program slogans please

Or if you need a break from things, we always have the serenity prayer available.

Wondering where someone was? Check the last time they logged in by typing last seen username